This year Family Ministry is partnering with Meals ’til Monday here in Lima, OH to collect money to go towards purchasing food for kids who need meals on the weekends. Our goal is to collect enough money to fill 400 bags for children in our community who are in need. (Each bag costs $3 to fill.) Meals ’til Monday is a nonprofit organization that provides kid-friendly weekend meals for local elementary children whose primary source of food is the school cafeteria. Staffed by volunteers and funded by donations, Meals ’til Monday packs sacks of food on Mondays to be delivered and distributed to students on Fridays. Currently, Meals ’til Monday is providing sacks of weekend food to 400 local elementary students. We will be collecting money October 6 – November 17 in all of our family ministry areas. All children’s offering during these weeks will go to this collection. Join us as we teach our children what giving and generosity can look like as we bless others in our community.

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