DOWNTOWN Elementary is a place where kids will have the best hour of their week. They’ll meet friends, learn about God, and participate in a time of exciting and relevant story-telling and worship. this is all done through appropriate large group and small group environments. We want kids to know they are each specially created in the image of God and we want them to discover an authentic faith, resilient and strong enough to trust God no matter what life throws their way.

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Install our app using add to home screen in browser. In phone/ipad browser, click on share icon in browser and select add to home screen in ios devices or add to dock in macos

PNFPB Install PWA using share icon

Install our app using add to home screen in browser. In phone/ipad browser, click on share icon in browser and select add to home screen in ios devices or add to dock in macos

Installation complete. The browser may be closed and the app opened from the added icon.

Push notification permission blocked in browser settings. Reset the notification settings for website/PWA